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Photo Tim Junge Svavarssafn.jpg

Erla Þórarinsdóttir
107.000 km/klst


14th. October - 4th. November 2023

107.000 km/klst

"We have in common that we are earthlings on a voyag through space that is constantly expanding. We know where we are on earth, but we know little about other locations. We pretend to know who we are but it is also unclear. We try to be good people, responsive and alive in the current situation."


Excerpt from Erla Þórarinsdóttir's text about for her exhibition 107,000 km/h

Portfolio Gallery id. 701215-2730        
Hverfisgata 71, 101 Reykjavik          
822-1929 / 821-5212

Open Thurs-Sun

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