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Ýmir Grönvold

08. june - 29. june

It´s my life

Ýmir Grönvold (born 1994) lives and works in Reykjavík. He graduated from Iceland University of the Arts with a Bachelor in Fine Arts in 2018, with exchange studies for a period of one semester in KABK, the Royal Academy of the Arts in Den Haag. Most recently Ýmir has been working with painting, drawing and with found material. Ýmir works reveal the process, meaning and transformation in brightly-coloured flowers and symbols, that can often be traced back to his interest in methodoligy, the subject of materials, and the tradition of painting, among other things.

For further information contact (+354) 895-5556 / 822-1929

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Thanks, we'll be in touch soon

Portfolio Gallery id. 701215-2730        
Hverfisgata 71, 101 Reykjavik          
822-1929 / 821-5212

Open Thurs-Sun

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