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Sigthora Odins
POLYDIPSIA - Óseðjandi þorsti

06. July - 27. July

Sigthora Odins (b. 1981) graduated from the visual arts department of the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2015 and has also completed a diploma in ceramics from the Reykjavík Academy of Fine Arts in 2012. Sigthora has participated in group exhibitions in Iceland and abroad, including in collaboration with the art group "Computer Spirit" in the years 2016 - 2018 in Norway and Estonia. She has held solo exhibitions of her work in Iceland and Denmark and received recognition for her work in the Netherlands


Portfolio Gallery id. 701215-2730        
Hverfisgata 71, 101 Reykjavik          
822-1929 / 821-5212

Open Thurs-Sun

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