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Kristinn Már Pálmason

04 FEB - 26 FEB 2023

Kristinn Már Pálmason, invites the audience to follow him in the "Wonderland" of want, where the ears lie hidden by keeping a distance from external symbolism. Kristin's artwork begins above our known material world, but instead creates a law that carefully symbolizes the artist's mental world in visual geometry, which is at the same time the way to a kind of spiritual liberation, where the lack in the visual material is created consciously. The artist knows that the "program" or visual world he seeks to display is fragmentary and unfinished.

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For further information on prices please fill out the form

Thanks, we'll be in touch soon

Portfolio Gallery id. 701215-2730        
Hverfisgata 71, 101 Reykjavik          
822-1929 / 821-5212

Open Thurs-Sun

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